Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The 15-minute abs workout

The 15-minute abs workout
Strengthen your core muscles with these easy to follow exercises

Twisting Shoulder Press
Targets: Deltoids, Trapezius, Obliques
1] Hold dumbbells outside your shoulders at jaw level, palms facing in. Press the dumbbells overhead as you twist your torso to the left.
2] Lower the dumbbells as you twist back to the centre, then press upwards again while twisting to the right. Do six repetitions in each direction.

Dumbbell Swing
Targets: Gluteals, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Deltoids
1] Stand holding a dumbbell with a hand-over-hand grip at arm's length in front of your waist. Bend at your knees and waist (keep your back flat) until your upper body is about 45 degrees from vertical and the dumbbell is between your knees.
2] Swing the dumbbell up and directly over your head (as if you were lifting an axe) as you straighten your knees and back and push your hips forwards.
3] Pause, then lower the dumbbell back to the starting position and repeat. Do eight repetitions.

Overhead Lunge
Targets: Whole Lower Body, Shoulders, Obliques
1] Hold a medicine ball at arm's length over your head, your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
2] Step forwards with your left foot and lower your body so that your left lower leg is perpendicular to the floor and your left thigh is parallel to the floor. At the same time, keep your arms straight and lower the medicine ball to your right until it's even with your left thigh.
3] Return to the starting position by pushing off your left leg and raising the medicine ball back over your head. Repeat, stepping forwards with your right leg. Do a total of 12 repetitions, six for each leg, alternating legs
each time

Additional Note ~ Perform this workout 2 or 3 days a week, resting for at least 1 day between sessions. Do the exercises one after another in circuit fashion, resting 15 seconds after each exercise. When you've completed one set of each, rest 1 minute, then repeat the sequence two more times.


Flatten your belly
Cut to the core in 15 minutes

Every move in this workout strengthens the muscles of your abs, back, and hips. But this core routine also loosens your hamstrings, lower back, calves, hip flexors, and other areas, so you'll finish feeling stronger and stretched. Perform the workout as a circuit, moving from one exercise to the next without rest. Pause 60 to 90 seconds after each circuit, and do three circuits in all. Do the workout 3 days a week, taking at least a day off between workouts.

Flatten your hands
Stand with your legs straight and your hands flat on the floor. (You'll probably need to begin with your hands a couple of feet in front of you).

Walk your hands
Keeping your legs straight, walk your hands forward as far as possible. Concentrate on keeping your stomach tight, with your navel pulled in toward your pelvis. Then take tiny steps to walk your feet forward to your hands, ending in the starting position.
Repeat the movement for a set of five repetitions.

Lie on your side
Lie on your left hip with the outer side of your left leg flat on the floor and your upper body propped up on your left arm. (The arm should be straight, palm on the floor.)

Raise your hips
Pushing against the floor with your left arm, raise your hips and legs off the floor and simultaneously lift your right arm straight up in the air so your body forms a T. Hold for a second, then lower your hips and right arm.
Do six repetitions per side.

Lie down
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

Raise up
Raise your hips so your lower back is off the floor. Then, holding this bridge position, straighten your right leg and move it out to the side as far as possible. (Don't let your hips drop.) Slowly bring the leg back in, lower your foot to its starting position, and slowly lower your hips to the floor.
Do six repetitions to each side.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your bum high in the air. Look back at your heels.

Legs straight

Bend your arms at the elbows, moving your head toward the ground while keeping your legs straight. Then lower your hips (but don’t allow them to touch the floor) as you push up with your arms. Finish with your head up and your back arched.
Do eight to 10 repetitions.


Burn off the belly
Guard against weight gain with this 15-minute workout

The routine below challenges your largest muscle groups to burn calories and stokes your metabolism. Perform these exercises as a circuit, moving from one to the next without rest. Do two or three circuits, resting 60 seconds after each. Do this routine 3 days a week, and rest a day between sessions.

Bend your kness
Stand with your knees slightly bent and hold a pair of dumbbells at knee level.

Chest up
Keeping your chest up and your back arched, straighten yourself in an explosive movement, pulling the weights to chest height. Continue to rise onto the balls of your feet, then quickly drop underneath the weights and "catch" them on your shoulders with your elbows high.

Go overhead
Press the weights overhead, then lower them and return to the starting position.
Do six to eight repetitions.

Grab some dumbbells
Hold a light pair of dumbbells with your palms facing each other and get into the down position of a pushup.

Lift one dumbbell
Perform a basic pushup. At the top, lift one dumbbell toward the ceiling while rotating your torso in the same direction so you face to the side. (Your body should resemble the letter T.) Return to the starting position.
Do eight to 10 reps.

get your dumbbells
Stand holding a pair of dumbbells at arm's length.

Step back
Take a step backward as you bend your knee until it forms a 90-degree angle at the bottom. As you step back, curl the weights to your shoulders. Lower them as you push yourself back to the starting position.
Do six to eight reps with each leg.

Get on the floor
Sit on the floor with your knees bent and hold a dumbbell at its ends, in front of your chest.

Feet off floor
Lift your feet off the floor and cross your ankles so you balance on your butt while leaning back slightly. Next, rapidly rotate from side to side as you attempt to touch the weight to the floor. Do eight to 10 rotations in each direction.
Do eight to 10 rotations in each direction.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Batting Tips, Stroke Selection

Picture tells the story, Try to practice and remember which stroke must be played for that particular line and length of the ball.

My CA Plus 8000 bat